Welcome to matrixOS!
matrixOS Linux is a Debian-based distribution setup out-of-the-box with the
Trinity Desktop Environment and a full suite of powerful software for a complete
computing experience.
With its lightweight footprint; whether your computer is new, or old, it will perform great with matrixOS! Don't fall into the cycle of replacing your PC because it simply feels slow running Windows. matrixOS is packaged with software that lets you put your computers resources where it really matters, getting stuff done.
Easy to Use
Featuring the stable Trinity Desktop Environment, using your PC should feel simple and familiar to use. TDE is a desktop focusing on providing a tradtitional desktop user interface that is flexible and customizable. Everything you need is included in matrixOS!
Free to Use
Try a freedom respecting operating system that doens't hold you back from what you want to do. matrixOS is built for the community who just wants their PC to work, and not change for the sake of changes.